SAVE New Bedford's "Boob Duck"- ENHANCE its bust!

  • von: Larry Squanzaman
  • empfänger: The mayor of New Bedford, City Chairman/Council

(In response to another petition recommending the removal of this statue because of its "too sexual" and "ugly" nature)

"In a day and age when shaming sexuality seems to be the sad norm, and with the average American woman's bust size on the rise, we are gathering our forces to urge the mayor, and other fine leaders of the City Of New Bedford, that Donna Dodson's "Boob Duck" sculpture should have its bust INCREASED to not only keep up with the times, but to bring more tourism (and thus, dollars) to your fine city. Postcards, t-shirts, a guided tour stop- think of the increased downtown income to be had!" -Sincerely, concern citizens, and fans of large breasted art.

NOTE: We're really just aiming to at least SAVE this art piece and keep it in town- the enhanced bust part would just be fun/comical....

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